MarIA Edu Agents for

Education Institutions

Create your own MarIA Edu agent to enhance your educational
institution's services and support

MarIA Agents redefine digital connections, making them
more personal, engaging, and human.

What Sets MarIA Agents Apart?

Edu Experts

Our agents come with
pre-knowledge from all educational systems, tailoring yours.

Swift, Accurate Responses

With over 90% accuracy delivered in under two seconds, your queries are answered promptly and precisely.

Personalized Interactions

MarIA Agents adapt to fit your needs, bringing a friendly, engaging presence to any interaction.

Cutting-edge Reliability

Thanks to retrieval augmented generation (RAG) technology, Agents break free from typical language model limitations, providing up-to-date, refined information.

How MarIA Edu
Agents Work

Get Started with MarIA Edu

Schedule a Meeting

Contact our experts team
to start creating your MarIA Agent.

Customize Your Agent

Work with our team to design your MarIA Agent's appearance, voice, and knowledge base.

Launch and Enjoy

Introduce your new MarIA Agent to your institution and start experiencing the benefits of a personalized, AI-powered assistant.